WORLD DIABETES & WELLNESS FORUM is a platform showcasing India as the leading country in prevention, care and cure of Diabetes through dissemination of latest science, new learnings, and further use to technology globally in the healthcare industry. In our endeavour to make India the flag bearer in preventing this upcoming global epidemic, we will be hosting World Diabetes Forum, which be a communicative, consultative and a commercial platform for the cause of diabetes, impact on NCDs, wellbeing and HealthTech innovations.

The forum would give a concrete platform for growth and awareness through social impact practices and initiatives, which will lead to mass movement and raising consciousness amongst people globally on how to lead a part of wellbeing through preventive health.

WORLD DIABETES & WELLNESS FORUM ® is pleased to announce its first edition of WORLD DIABETES & WELLNESS FORUM 2023 - WDWF2023® scheduled on 13th-14th October 2023, New Delhi, India. The theme of this year’s edition is ‘’One World One Health’’

WDWF 2023 shall provide a platform to spread awareness in India and globally through planning a year round calendar of events and activities to bring together the key healthcare leaders, pharmaceutical industry, stakeholders and experts in the field of diabetes and provide most updated knowledge in India and Globally.

For more details and registration Terms & Conditions see

For further details and enquiry contact Mr. Aman Kalra




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